October 09, 2007

Don't fear the reaper folder Fold.

I came across this article earlier today: 30 Usability Issues To Be Aware Of

And it's really quite excellent, my good friend actually posted about it over here: Jess Chadwick: Coder

That in turn lead me to this article:
Blasting the Myth of the Fold which I also thought was excellent. However she left out one key point, and it's something you may or may not do already, but if you aren't you should be. If you have a link/button/what have you that is used frequently by regular users, make it above the fold. There's little I hate more than having to scroll down to an oft used feature and make sure I hit the right part of the page every time.

To that end, next and previous page links at the top of the page are handy too. Granted placing them at the bottom forces the user to scroll to the bottom of the page past articles or ads that you may want them to see, and I know the 'End' key on the keyboard will get me there in no time, but in the time it took me to move my hand off the mouse, or find the key with my left hand, I could have clicked on next page (commas abound!). And god forbid I have to go back multiple pages.

I don't really have a example handy of the former problem, but a good illustration of the latter is engadget.com Not only do they not have prev/next page links up top, but if you do hit 'End' you're now down in the mire of cross links that take up oodles of space at the bottom of every page. There's a lot that's right with their set up, but there's easily and equal amount that is wrong.

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