November 27, 2007

The browser wars, my two cents (and then some)...

It has been brought to my attention, though indirectly, that I have completely ignored Opera for some time. This is due impart to a bad experience I had some time ago when I was first experimenting with alternative browsers for my Windows Mobile phone. That story can be summed up in by my confusion as to why their mobile browser costs money when their desktop browser is free (the inverse of what I would postulate).

That nonsense aside (and perhaps requiring a post of it's own) I recently downloaded and installed Opera. I was rather impressed.

I will not give it a full review until I have time to properly utilize it and it's various features and compare them with the alternatives (perhaps a full critique of the four major browsers is in order). However having played with it a bit, I will now list my personal, highly opinionated ranking of the four major browsers:
(drum roll)

  1. Mozilla Firefox

  2. Opera

  3. Microsoft Internet Explorer

  4. Apple Safari

As I said, this is completely subjective, hopefully I will one day have the time to be objective. If you feel there is another browser out there I should consider/try let me know. I have briefly used various other linux offerings but really don't consider them to be in the same class as these guys. I have installed SeaMonkey in the past, but really have no use for a 'suite' and really didn't find it all that attractive so unless you can convince me otherwise, I shall not try it again.